Saturday, August 28, 2010

It's about time...

I’ve had people tell me I should start a blog about is in our family’s blood.  My cousin’s daughter has a catering business in California and just started her blog,, which is gorgeous, creative and inspiring.  My take on food is definitively Southern, soul satisfying and kid friendly most of the time, although my girls have learned to be adventurous because of their Mom’s predilection for the unusual.  I will share my culinary adventures with you too...enjoy!

So what’s with the fig?  It’s the first fig from my fig tree we planted 3 years ago when we moved to the Queen city.  My mother gave it to me as a house warming gift...didn’t harvest but a few this year, not even enough for fig preserves, but there’s always next summer...


  1. Dear Miss Annie,
    I've been elected to make macaroni salad for a Labor Day bbq. Only one issue. I like mine with dill relish and most others prefer sweet relish. What to do? Not making two! I don't even really have a good recipe for it. Any ideas?

  2. I apologize for not getting back to you sooner, but I was working on my Manhattan post and was working overtime...
    I'm going to say right now that sweet relish is the only way to go dear...anything else is a blemish on southern culture...
